Parking Regulations and Enforcement
Parking Regulations
It is the responsibility of the motor vehicle operator to be aware of UW-Superior’s parking regulations and to park only in areas allowed by the college’s regulations. Parking is enforced from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. All lots have signage indicating the type of parking allowed in that lot. The lack of legal convenient space is not considered a valid excuse for parking illegally. The university assumes no liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents while parked on university property.
All vehicles parked in UW-Superior parking lots (unless parked at a meter) must display a valid parking permit for that lot/area. Permits are non-transferable and may only be used by the person they are issued to. It is illegal to alter a parking permit.
- Parking permits must be properly displayed. Hanging permits should be hung from the inside rearview mirror facing to the front of the vehicle. Paper permits should be placed on the dashboard on the driver’s side.
- All vehicles parked in designated handicap spaces must display a UW-Superior issued parking permit along with a State-issued Handicap permit or license plate, unless the space is signed otherwise.
- Parking in a no-parking zone, loading zone, or fire lane is strictly prohibited. The use of vehicle hazard lights is not justification for illegally parking in these areas.
- Vehicles must be parked within the lines designating a parking space. The fact that other vehicles are parked illegally in the same area will not be accepted as an excuse for illegal parking.
- The lack of a legal parking space is not considered a valid excuse for parking illegally. Illegally parked vehicles may be towed under certain circumstances.
- All vehicles parked at parking meters must pay the required meter fees during enforced times.
- Between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., parking without advance permission is prohibited in lots 2, 11, 12, and 14 which are posted “no overnight parking.” If a vehicle breaks down, severe weather conditions exist, or a personal emergency prevents you from moving your car, immediately contact Parking Services at 715-394-8177 (during regular business hours) or University Police Department at 715-394-8114 (after hours).
- Vehicles parked in any lot from Nov. 1 to May 1 must be moved to a different space every 48 hours so as not to impede snow plowing and removal, unless prior approval is granted from the Parking Services Office.
- Mopeds and motorcycles require a parking permit and must park in lots (look for designated spots where available).
- The speed limit in all lots is 15 MPH and all other motor vehicle laws must be obeyed. All vehicles parking in university lots must be legally registered.
- Northwood Tech Lots: UW-Superior parking permits are not valid in any Northwood Technical College parking lot. Northwood Tech reserves the right to tow vehicles not displaying their parking permit at the vehicle owner’s expense.
- Church Parking Lot: White-lined spaces in the Pilgrim Lutheran Church parking lot and those found behind the church in Lot 2 are reserved for church use only.
- Enterprise Car Rental Spaces: Green-lined spaces located on the east end of lot 2 are reserved for Enterprise Car Rental use only.
- City Streets: UW-Superior parking permits are not valid on city streets. A City of Superior residential permit is required to park on most city streets surrounding the campus, with the exception of Mortorelli Drive. Parking on the streets is enforced by the Superior Police Department.
- Reserved Parking: A reserved parking permit is required to park in any lot or space signed as reserved. The reserved parking areas on campus are:
- Lots 3, 5 and 6 are reserved for student residents only (Orange Reserved)
- The upper section of Lot 12 adjacent to Old Main (Purple Reserved)
- The Newman Center parking lot (Blue Reserved)
- Select spaces on the west end of lot 11 (Blue Reserved)
- Select spaces along the south side of lot 7 (Yellow Reserved)
- Parking Over Winter or Summer Break: Anyone who will be gone over summer or winter break who would like to leave a vehicle on campus must obtain advance permission from Parking Services.
- Parking Appeal Process: Parking citations may be appealed by completing and submitting an appeal form within three business days of receiving the citation.
Parking Enforcement
University Parking Services personnel and University Police personnel regularly and randomly patrol the campus parking lots to enforce UW-Superior parking regulations.
Authority for enforcing these regulations and for the issuance of parking citations is derived from Universities of Wisconsin Chapter 18.05 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation may refuse renewal of vehicle registration or suspend vehicle registration if citations are not paid or appealed promptly.
Additional fees are assessed for all unpaid citations that are referred to the Department of Transportation or are left unpaid after a reasonable amount of time.
You can pay your citations online at or you can also pay in person with cash, check or credit card at the Public Safety Building located at 606 Belknap St. Superior, WI 54880.
Hours of Enforcement
Permits are required from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, including summer.
Contact the Parking Services Office for exact dates, information and services provided.
Parking permits are available at the University Parking Services Office.
Regulation | Description | Fine |
18.05(1)(a) | Expired Meter | $20.00 |
18.05(1)(b) | Improper Parking/Parked Over Line | $30.00 |
18.05(1)(c) | Prohibited Overnight Parking | $30.00 |
18.05(1)(d) | Failure to Move Vehicle for Snow Removal | $30.00 |
18.05(1)(e) | Prohibited Parking on Sidewalk | $40.00 |
18.05(1)(f) | Prohibited Parking on Lawn | $40.00 |
18.05(2)(a) | No Valid Permit | $30.00 |
18.05(2)(c) | No Valid Reserved Permit | $50.00 |
18.05(2)(b) | No Valid Handicap Permit | $150.00 |
18.05(4)(a) | Prohibited Parking – Fire Lane | $50.00 |
18.05(4)(b) | Prohibited Parking – Loading Zone | $30.00 |
18.08(8) | Misuse of Parking Services | $295.00 |
Appeal a Ticket
Parking Appeal Process: Parking citations may be appealed by completing and submitting an appeal form within three business days of receiving the citation.
Appeals should be limited to circumstances in which the parking ticket was issued in error, e.g. you did not commit a violation.