Resume and Application Materials

Make a Great First Impression

Application materials are often a first introduction to an employer, grad program or scholarship review committee. They give you a platform to market and highlight qualifications and skills desired for the specific opportunity. Be sure to include detailed, pertinent information about experiences as an academic and professional. Developing application materials takes time, but putting in the work early will make it easier! 


A resume showcases your academic, professional, and extracurricular accomplishments. Experiences listed on a resume will help market your qualifications. Information found on a resume should be customized for a desired field of employment or study. Be strategic and intentional with formatting: the average recruiter takes seven seconds or less to assess a resume. See the career guides below to create an effective resume. 


Resume Tips:

  • Store a primary multi-page document that holds ALL your experiences. When customizing a resume for a particular opportunity, pull content from the primary resume document. 
  • Avoid spelling, grammar, and structure mistakes by sending resume drafts to the Writing Center.
  • Feeling good about your resume draft? Email documents to Career Services for specialized content and formatting feedback. 

LinkedIn Learning Videos:

Cover Letter

A cover letter is an opportunity to introduce your unique skillset and share how your specific experiences are assets to the prospective team. Cover letters also serve as a writing sample, giving you a chance to display your written communication skills. 

Cover Letter Format Example

Cover Letter Tips:

  • The content of a cover letter is meant to complement the resume.  
  • For the love of all Yellowjackets – address the correct school/employer and position title! 
  • Avoid spelling, grammar, and structure mistakes by sending resume drafts to the Writing Center.    
  • Feeling good about your cover letter draft? Email documents to Career Services to receive specialized content and formatting feedback. 

LinkedIn Learning Videos:

Opportunities may require more than just a resume and cover letter. See below for popular additional application materials. 

Curriculum Vitae 

Also known as a CV or vita, this document summarizes your accomplishments relevant to the academic world. Typically, a curriculum vitae is exclusively used when pursuing an academic career. A CV is similar to a resume—we’ve put together a guide that outlines the differences.

Reference List

During the initial application process, employers may request a reference list. This document outlines two to five trusted individuals who can verify your professional abilities and/or agreeable personality. We’ve put together tips to optimize your reference list and increase your chances of landing your ideal position.

Recommendation Letter 

During a job, graduate program or scholarship search, committees may request a recommendation letter. This is different from a reference, as it is a written letter providing your previous exemplary work and results from a past colleague or professional’s point of view. We’ve put together a guide to help you with requesting recommendation letters.

Thank You Message

To leave a lasting positive impression, send a thank you message after your interview. Notices of gratitude can show your desire for the intended opportunity and consideration toward the hiring committee. Typically, you can send this via email to the point of contact for your review. We’ve put together a thank you message example.

Submitting Documents via Email 

Read the submission requirements carefully. If the organization requests that application documents be submitted through email, you will need a professional message along with the document attachments. We’ve put together an example of how to compose an email for submitting materials.

Schedule a meeting with a Career Development Manager at any point throughout your voyage via Handshake.