Donald and Ruthanna Davidson Botany Research Scholarship
For a student majoring in Biology with an interest in botany. The student must be at least in their junior year and have a minimum GPA of 2.75. The student must be involved in botany research with a focus in floristics, plant ecology or plant geography as part of their undergraduate training. The research focus may be extended to botany-related topics on invasive species, any botany-related research through the Lake Superior Research Institute (LSRI), or terrestrial ecology.
Current Students, Undergraduate Students
Natural Sciences
Donald and Ruthanna Davidson Botany Research Scholarship
For a student majoring in Biology with an interest in botany. The student must be at least in their junior year and have a minimum GPA of 2.75. The student must be involved in botany research with a focus in floristics, plant ecology or plant geography as part of their undergraduate training. The research focus may be extended to botany-related topics on invasive species, any botany-related research through the Lake Superior Research Institute (LSRI), or terrestrial ecology.
Current Students, Undergraduate Students
Natural Sciences
Donald W. and Lois V. Guderian Music Education Scholarship
For students with a concentration in either choral or instrumental music who have shown dedication and integrity in their pursuit of a degree in Music Education. Student must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA, must be at least a sophomore, and must demonstrate the disposition necessary for a career dedicated to nurturing the potential of their fellow humankind; i.e., the student demonstrates the development of knowledge, skills and dispositions as articulated in the criteria put forth in the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and especially the dispositions put forth in Standard #9: “The pre-student teacher engages in ongoing professional learning. The pre-student teacher uses evidence to continuously reflect on and evaluate their field teaching practice and all aspects of their degree studies, including the effects of their choices and actions on pupils, their families, other educators, and the community. The pre-student teacher adapts their practice to meet the needs of each pupil.”
Undergraduate Students
Dorcas McPhail Johnson Scholarship
For incoming freshman students majoring in Teacher Education and having a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Incoming Freshmen
Dorothy and George Gott Music Scholarship
For a music major with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Current Students
Dorothy and George Gott Scholarship
For a sophomore, junior, or senior student who is majoring or minoring in English, in good academic standing, and has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Current Students, Undergraduate Students
Writing, Language and Literature
Dorothy Anway Scholarship
For an international student studying Mathematics.
Current Students, International Students
Mathematics and Computer Science
Dorothy McKay Anderson Scholarship
For students in fine arts (art, music, communication, media, theatre) or English, preferably a graduate of a Superior or Duluth high school.
Current Students, Undergraduate Students
Communication, Media and Theatre, Music, Visual Arts
Doyle Scholarship for History Excellence
For students majoring in History who are at least in their undergraduate sophomore year of study. Recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher and demonstrate financial need.
Current Students, Undergraduate Students
Social Inquiry
Dr. and Mrs. Ross Stagner Scholarship
Given to three students, respectively, an undergraduate senior majoring in Psychology, a Distance Learning Program student with psychology as one component of an Individually Designed major, and an undergraduate student majoring in English with an interest in poetry.
Current Students, Online Learning Students, Undergraduate Students
Human Behavior, Justice and Diversity, Writing, Language and Literature