Return After Academic Suspension

Returning to UW-Superior after Academic Suspension  

Per AP1302 Academic Standing Policy, academic standing is determined at the close of each semester after grades are submitted. Students are placed on academic suspension due to one of the following circumstances: 

  • Student was on Academic Notice the previous term and their Spring 2024 grade point average (GPA) was below 2.0, which results in two terms with a cumulative GPA below 2.0
  • Student was admitted on probation and required to earn a minimum 2.0 GPA the first term at UW-Superior, however, they did not meet this academic standard 

Students placed on academic suspension are ineligible to re-enroll until they complete an application for reinstatement and are approved. Please follow the steps outlined below, based on the number of suspensions you have encountered. 

Refer to the original email you received from the Registrar’s Office for additional information and contact them directly for assistance at 715-394-8228 or via email at

Please note that an academic suspension is different than a financial aid suspension. If you’ve received notice of a financial aid suspension, visit the financial aid policies webpage or contact the Financial Aid Office at or 715-394-8200.

Steps to Return

During the semester you return, you will be placed on Academic Notice and will receive additional outreach and support throughout the term. 

All reinstatement petitions require an academic action plan completed with and signed by a member of the Educational Success Center staff. Returning students must also meet any conditions the Credits and Reinstatement Committee places on an approved reinstatement. All applications must be submitted at least seven business days prior to the start of the expected reentry term. 

During the semester you return, you will be placed on Academic Notice and will receive additional outreach and support throughout the term.  

After three or more academic suspensions, students must sit out for at least one fall or spring semester. The Credits & Reinstatement Committee may consider extenuating circumstances. Students seeking reinstatement must fulfill any conditions set by the Committee. All applications must be submitted at least seven business days before the start of the intended reentry term and must be approved by the Committee prior to the first day of that term. 

During the semester you return, you will be placed on Academic Notice and will receive additional outreach and support throughout the term.