The University of Wisconsin-Superior University Police Department will be hosting a two-day Active Treat Response Course January 6 and 7 in the Holden Fine Arts building.
During that time, the building will be closed to all non-law enforcement personnel. Signs will be posted around Holden Fine Arts indicating a police training is in progress.
‘”Please stay away from the area while police officers participate in this valuable training,” said Joe Eickman, chief of police for UW-Superior’s university police.
Officers will be working on a module of a federally funded program training that focuses on approach to the building. While the training is being conducted, law enforcement officers will be visible outside the building holding what appear to be bright orange handguns. These training aids are one solid piece of plastic in the shape of a firearm that are harmless and cannot fire.
The Holden Fine Arts building will reopen Wednesday, January 8, at 6 a.m.