First Nations Studies name and program changes

First Nations Studies name and program changes


The University of Wisconsin-Superior is pleased to announce some significant changes to the First Nations Studies Minor (FNS) program. The FNS program offers invaluable experiences and courses designed to meet the needs of students and the regional community, particularly Indigenous communities in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

In accordance with UW-Superior’s practice of regular academic program reviews to ensure relevancy and efficiency, the Dean of Academic Affairs requested a review of the program, taking into consideration the views of various stakeholders including current students, alumni, etc.

Based on the recommendations of the program reviewers, the Department of Human Behavior, Justice & Diversity (HBJD), with the support of the Dean of Academic Affairs, has changed the FNS program to Indigenous Studies (with the course prefix INDG). The name change was necessary because FNS does not fully describe the program’s content and learning objectives. Indigenous Studies is a more accurate description of the program and its content.

The proposed name and course changes have been approved by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) and will go into effect for Fall Semester 2024.

UW-Superior faculty and administration are excited about these changes to the FNS program, and strongly believe the new name, Indigenous Studies, is a more accurate description allowing for future program growth to include focus on indigenous communities outside the United States.