Gichi-apiitenimaanaanig Meskwaabikikejig, Wenamanikejig, gaa-wenjibaawaad omaa miinawaa Anishinaabeg daawaad geyaabi ge-ganawendamowaad o’o aki. Ginisidawaabandaamin Gichigabegikendaasowigamig Miskwaa-Gete-Oodenang ateg Ojibwewakiing. Bizaan minjimendamog gaye jiikendamog ezhi-gizhi-inendaagwag gakina akiin.
In honor of the Anishinaabe people, the original peoples and caretakers of this land, we would like to recognize that the University of Wisconsin-Superior inhabits the land of the Ojibwe people. Please take this moment to honor and celebrate ancestral Ojibwe land and the sacred lands of all indigenous peoples.
Gichi-apiitenimaanaanig Meskwaabikikejig, Wenamanikejig,
All of us honor them Copper Culture People, Ochre Culture People,
gaa-wenjibaawaad omaa miinawaa Anishinaabeg daawaad geyaabi
who were originally here and the Anishinaabeg who live here still
ge-ganawendamowaad o’o aki.
they have been caretakers of this land.
Ginisidawaabandaamin Gichigabegikendaasowigamig Miskwaa-Gete-Oodenang
All of us see it as true University of Wisconsin-Superior
ateg Ojibwewakiing.
is located on Ojibwe land.
Bizaan minjimendamog gaye jiikendamog ezhi-gizhi-inendaagwag gakina akiin.
Be Still grasp in your mind and celebrate the significance of all land.
Translated by UW-Superior students Sammy Krisik, Olivia Fleming, Ahpahnae Thomas and William Menke, March 2023, in Chantal Norrgard’s NNSO and FNS 201 Intermediate Ojibwe class.