Leadership Superior / Douglas County Program

Become a Leader!

Leadership meeting outside gym

Are you looking for a way to shape the future of your community? Leadership Superior/Douglas County (LSDC) offers a great way to get involved and connect with others who want to make a difference. Established in 1991, the LSDC program gives 24-26 emerging and existing leaders the chance to learn about topics that matter to local businesses, organizations, and the community. Participants represent a cross-section of urban and rural communities of Douglas County and have diverse professional backgrounds and interests.

The program is a win-win: Businesses that sponsor participants gain employees who have a deeper understanding of the community, while the region gains leaders with a heightened sense of civic concern, responsibility, and involvement.

Leadership Superior/Douglas County seeks to:

  • Identify and cultivate current and future leaders
  • Heighten community awareness and deepen involvement of local citizens
  • Provide an opportunity for participants to develop networks and help to shape the future of our community

2024-25 Co-Sponsors

Leadership Superior Douglas County Sponsors