Take These Steps to Living on Campus
If you’re a Lake Superior College or Northwood Technical College student, you’ll need to register for a UW-Superior username and password in order to access the housing contract. Learn more.
Step 1: Check Out the Living Communities (first-year students only)
We have three living communities available:
- Creative Arts Living Community (4th Floor, Curran-McNeill): Experiences may include painting at a local studio, attending a symphony performance or group trips to a theatre.
- Mindfulness and Well-Being Living Community (3rd Floor, Curran-McNeill): Students in this community will learn, develop and practice well-being skills such as mindfulness, compassion, gratitude, empathy, forgiveness, altruism and the use of their charter strengths.
- Campus Recreation Living Community (1st & 2nd Floors, Curran-McNeill): Experience adventures such as rock climbing, hiking trips and outdoor survival skills. Participate in activities such as broomball, kickball, volleyball, dodgeball and floor hockey.
Step 2: Complete Your Housing Contract
Using your UW-Superior username and password, complete your housing contract in our Live@UWS portal.
You will select your meal plan, answer some questions about your living preferences, and conclude with agreeing to the terms of the Housing Handbook as your binding contract with Residence Life.
Step 3: Roommate Time!
Once your housing contract is approved (typically in 1-2 business days), search for a potential roommate by searching on the Roommate tab of your Live@UWS homepage.
Confirm your roommate. One student will be the “group leader” and form the roommate group by entering their roommate code (located in upper right-hand portion of screen) and sending a roommate group invite. The other student will simply hit accept and you have formed a roommate group!
- New freshmen students can select a roommate but will be placed in rooms by the Residence Life Office based on living community selection, hall preference, and roommate selection. To live in a living community, both roommates must take part in the program. Room placements will be completed by mid-late June. If students wish to form a roommate group, it should be done so before this time.
- Returning students will be able to select a room sometime in March. All current residents will be emailed when the room selection process is open and ready to go. You cannot select a room without having the appropriate number of roommate(s) selected first (i.e., a double room has two people, a single has one person, etc). Students who do not select a room before June 15 will be subject to room placement by the Residence Life Office based on availability.